Saturday 30 May 2015

Neptune in 7th: Self-sacrifice in Marriage

It was a fairytale wedding at first

When Neptune appears in the 7th, the native gets an ideal fantasy match. Neptune, the planet of dreams, grants a fairytale wedding to the couple at the beginning. You will feel everything is so sweet and perfect. As time goes by, however, you start seeing flaws in your spouse. Maybe the spouse is a drinker, an alcoholic, a druggie or substance abuser. But you don't mind because you love him or her. Maybe the spouse will hit you, abuse you, steal your money, and leech on you. Again, you don't mind because you love him or her. Maybe your spouse will cheat on you, tell you lies and betray you with affairs. You found out about it, and your heart broke. But you forgive your spouse anyway, because you love him or her. Can you see a pattern where all these is leading to?  
Neptune is illusion. Neptune is denial of reality. It creates an escapist attitude towards marriage and you may keep denying that things are falling apart and that your spouse is in fact, an asshole. One day, the bubble may burst, and your eyes will open out to reality. Yes, reality is hard to deal with. 

Marriage turns you into Jesus

A Neptunian marriage needs a great and noble act of self-sacrifice. You will always be compassionate and gives unconditional love (like Jesus) and keeps forgiving and saving your spouse, who happens to be very needy. This sacrifice will be one-sided. But since Neptune is in your 7th, you will take pride in your martyrdom, feeling that your kindness is something that makes you feel better about yourself. You will willingly burn yourself at the stake just to keep your partner warm. This heartmoving sacrifice, however, is usually not appreciated by the spouse, who is basically someone out for a free lunch. Yet nothing is gonna stop you from giving, giving, and giving until the life expires from your body. This drive for self-sacrifice and martyrdom, is something that made Neptunians so angelic. 


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