Thursday 14 May 2015

Jupiter in the 7th: Advantageous Nuptials

Happy bunny marriages are seen with Jupiter 

When Jupiter sits in the 7th house, the individual gets a lucky and advantageous marriage. The first marriage will benefit the person, either by making him happier, richer, brighter or more sociable. The individual will marry an outgoing and sporty type of person - a partner with Sagittarian characteristics. Jupiter tends to bless the matrimony by expanding an aspect of the family - wealth, joy, friends, etc. Things will start growing more and more with the effect of a well-placed Jupiter. The keywords associated with Jupiter is "plentiful", "abundance", and "expanding". Thus the first marriage spouse tends to have those qualities. The native himself may grow more optimistic over time with a Jupiterian marriage. However, please note this effect only applies to a well-aspected Jupiter in the DC (an afflicted Jupiter may bring negativity instead).   

A likely scenario will be....

Marrying into wealth 

One possible effect is to marry into money, as the first spouse will tend to expand your financial situation. Your social circle after marriage may also grow larger to include friends from various walks of life. 

On the other hand....

Many, many partners 

Multiple marriages and polygamous relationships are quite common with this placement. With Jupiter in the 7th, we get serial husbands or serial wives - people who marry repeatedly and have a long list of spouses to boast of. The "expanding" effect of Jupiter applies here by multiplying the number of partners. The native feels very confident about marriage, and so does it again and again. It is almost 100% certain that this person will have more than one marriage in this lifetime.

Another common scenario is...

Interracial marriages

Interracial or mixed marriage is the most common effect of Jupiter in DC. The spouse will come from a totally different background - cutting across boundaries of race, nationality, religion, age & occupation. The chances of getting a foreigner partner is increased. This is because Jupiter rules over foreign lands, and a person will most likely meet the prospective spouse while studying or working abroad. 


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