Wednesday 31 August 2016

Mars-Saturn: Repressed Anger

Mars in hard aspects to Saturn in a man's natal chart shows that he has repressed anger issues. Often, his desires are frustrated in some ways and this manifests as anger. Outwardly, he may appear calm and controlled but inwardly, he is seething with rage. This is a man who struggles throughout his life because he always finds that his efforts are often met with obstacles and resistance from others. He is always fighting, fighting a battle against the rest of the world. As a result of bitterness in his heart, he becomes a bit of a bully, constantly picking on others, needling them, criticising others or challenging them. They become very hard on themselves and others. They are noted for their ability to work very hard and slave around the clock patiently in order to produce work of the highest quality. They are cruel taskmasters.

As a child, the Mars-Saturn man suffered excessive punishment and discipline at the hands of a parental figure, most likely the father (in a woman's chart, it's usually her mother). Due to the cruelty he endured in the hands of his father, he will develop animosity towards authority figures throughout his entire life. He will go into conflict with bosses or managers or people in charge. He works better alone and is often gifted with great entrepreneurship and business skills. Because Saturn is constantly testing them, beating them up and putting obstacles in their path, some of them eventually gave up on life. I do feel with this position, one either grow overwhelmingly strong to overcome Saturn or they totally give up trying as Saturn is crushing their will to live. 

So how does the cruel taskmaster perform in bed? They might be met with sexual rejection, frustration or even sexual inhibition in the early part of their lives. They can't express what they want easily. They may be late bloomers. The effect is almost similar to a very young Capricorn - sexually repressed, nervous, insecure and getting their panties all twisted up in knots when it comes to expressing their sexuality. They have a fear of rejection when it comes to relationship, and a stronger need to be in control. This eventually leads them to become domineering in their relationships.

Saturday 20 August 2016

Mars-Pluto: Ruthless Love

Mars in hard aspect to Pluto is arguably the most hardcore of all when it comes to intimacy. They have a raw, animalistic drive towards coitus. They tend to overwhelm their partners and completely drain them in bed. Beware of getting involved with one unless you know your body can keep out with their level of energy. You ain't hardcore until you have experienced a Mars-Pluto. They are very, very demanding behind closed doors. Their attitude towards sex is also quite scary  - they need to experience it in all its extremities - plunging to the deepest level of hell with pain and rising to the highest level of heaven with ecstasy. Sex is their drug, their obsession, their catharsis.

However, these people are very secretive. They tend to do things quietly, pulling the strings behind the scene so that everything falls into place in such a subtle way that you'll never even suspect they are controlling everything. In fact, they are so private about their intimate world that you'll never know anything about them unless they tell you. They have an innate need for control. They do things a quiet, subtle way. These are traits acquired from childhood, as most of them grow up facing extreme situations - violent or abusive circumstances - and as such, they are well-equipped to deal with a lot of bullshit and adversity in life. In times of hardship, they rise to the occasion where others might fall.  

They are also capable of being quite ruthless when the situation needs it. Most books never mention this - but I observe Mars-Pluto as having outstanding leadership skills exactly because they are capable of being completely kind when necessary, and totally cruel when required. A good leader needs to be extremely compassionate and protective towards the weak, and absolutely merciless towards their enemies. In this sense, the Mars-Pluto excels in this area unlike other signs. People also tend to be instantly pulled towards their charisma or feel instant repulsion / disgust towards them. You will either love or hate them, no in between.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Mercury-Jupiter: Lack of Desire

Part of the reason I keep a blog is to discuss rare topics that are hardly-mentioned by other books and websites. And one of the least-understood topics in astrology is the lack of libido or low sex drive. While we definitely know that Mars aspect to Venus, Uranus and Pluto increases the libido of a man significantly, we have not talked about men who don't seem to be very excited by sex at all. What makes a man appear impotent? What causes a low sex drive in men?

Lack of libido can be seen from a tight Mercury conjunction Jupiter in a natal chart. A less than 5 degrees orb conjunction between these two planets indicates a man who is more interested in mental or spiritual activities than actual physical sex itself. He prefers scholarly pursuits to lusting after women. As a result, he doesn't actively seek out girlfriends or have interest in marriage. Yes, this is the original "herbivore man", a Japanese slang for passive men who sit around with little interest in women. Like all herbivore males, these folks are gentle, kind and non-assertive. They conceive of love as something philosophical, higher than flesh, and not at all erotic. 

This does not, however, means that the man does not have carnal desires at all. Rather, it means he has lower than average needs and does not act on them as frequently as other guys do. These are straight guys who don't chase women, hunters who don't hunt, fishermen who don't fish, predators who sit around waiting to be preyed. Gifted with higher-than-average intelligence, these men prefer to have a nice conversation over a cup of coffee or go to the nearest museum with the girl of his dreams, and not do the naughty. However, there are exceptions. The exception is if he has a strong Mars in his chart to mitigate this effect. Unless a man's Mars is very prominent in the chart, he will not be able to enjoy a normal sex drive with a Mercury-Jupiter conjunction.  

Sunday 7 August 2016

Mars-Venus: Passionate Love Affairs

Mars squaring or opposing Venus will create passionate, grand love affairs. These people love like there is no tomorrow, and make love like it's an epic Harlequin novel. They embark on whirlwind romance, erotic flings and sizzling hot affairs that can be so explosive in nature that it might not last long. The movie "Last Tango in Paris" (1972) pretty much capture the type of love that could be symbolized by this aspect. Mars-Venus aspects are notorious for increasing good looks and physical allure of the individual. There is a forthright and provocative energy projected by the man. He is a lover, first and foremost, and will always be a lover. 

Mars-Venus has bad timing, however. Their lovers can blow hot and cold, which gives an "on and off" quality to the relationship. When they are bursting with passion, their partners can be busy or uninterested. When their partners are ready to love them, they can be preoccupied or out of town. The bad timing can be very frustrating. Affairs may begin suddenly and end just as suddenly. 

Mars-Venus men may come on as too strong to certain people, who may be taken unprepared. He may come across as intense, although the other party is not keen. The relationship of such a man with his partner can be very volatile, full of lovebites and nailscraping against skin while he dodges frying pans and kitchen sinks. There can be heated arguments and violent accusations that may very well end up with a passionate session in bed. 

Friday 5 August 2016

Mars-Neptune: Sexy But Confused

Mars afflicting Neptune produces an irresistibly sexy man (or woman). The individual is attractive and charismatic even without him knowing it. He will embody the masculine ideal that is imagined by all women. The keyword here is "imagine", for Neptune rules imaginations of all sorts. 10 pairs of eyes gazing at the Mars-Neptune man will imagine their fantasies all fulfilled by him, for the man is a very clever actor, adept at projecting your fantasies unto himself. He will instinctively know what you desire, and dress in a certain way or act in a certain manner that will appeal to your fantasy. He taps into your desires unconsciously, but does it without any real intention. He is just a tease.

But he is not teasing you for fun. He doesn't want sex. He doesn't even know what he wants. Which brings me to my next point.... Mars-Neptune men are very, very confused people. They are so confused that they spend so much time thinking about what they really want in bed. So they masturbate a lot, and by a lot, I mean A LOT.  This aspect shows a compulsive masturbator. They watch tonnes of porn and try all sorts of sexual experimentations but they just don't feel satisfied. They may try alcohol, toys and stimulants but still don't feel satisfied. Sometimes they wonder if they are gay or bisexual. Sometimes they wonder if they're into BDSM. Sometimes... The list goes on and on.

Because they are so confused and wishy-washy, they can be easily led into all sorts of nasty and kinky situations. They are gullible and easily deceived. Despite being so sexy, they have no idea what to do with their own sexiness. So they end up seducing people endlessly, without any intentions or even knowledge that they are doing it. This aspect is quite challenging for men, who will often feel sexual insecurities but try to hide it under a veneer of macho-ness. They pretend to be macho by hitting the gym and doing karate, hunting, fishing or other "manly" activities to cover up insecurities.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Mars-Uranus: Need for Speed

                                                     What every Mars-Uranus man wants

Mars in negative aspect to Uranus is an adrenaline junkie. It creates a need for crude sexual excitement. The libido is experienced like a surge of electricity - temporary blasts of erotic high which is very powerful then followed by a complete lack of desire. This aspect is most often seen in speed racers, extreme sports athletes and gym rats. Put simply, these guys have a need for speed. They need to experience the thrill of the chase, the high the adrenaline gives them every once in a while.

                                                              High risk, high adrenaline

This need for crude thrills and excitement may lead them into having casual hook-ups and one night stands with women. They like fast cars, fast women. Mars-Uranus folks is the "anything goes" type at the "right time and right place." They really know how to have fun. These are the people you want to invite to parties. However, due to the very temporal nature of feelings for these men, they get bored real fast with the same thing and move on to something fresher and more challenging. They can't stand dull monotonous routine.

                                                    Sadly, they do not all have great bodies      

On the positive side, Mars-Uranus increases manliness and boosts a guy's macho image. He will be confident, outgoing, decisive and has good leadership skills. Most textbooks observe that the Mars-Uranus men are gifted with precise technical skills that makes them great engineers - electronic engineers, mechanical engineers, software engineers, mechanics, architects, etc. His temper will also be lightning fast and violent, but subsides as quickly as his libido. 

Would I recommend this partner to anyone? The answer is "yes" if you're an outgoing sassy girl who knows how to rock the gym but the answer is "no" if you're the stay-at-home wifey type of girl who expects things to remain stable. Ultimately, there will be a right partner for every soul in this lifetime. The key is to have faith and continue searching for the one destined for you.

Monday 1 August 2016

Venus-Moon: Virgin-Whore Dichotomy

Madonna                     VS                        Whore   

A man with his Moon opposing Venus views women in an extreme polarity / binary. In his eyes, a woman is either a virgin or a whore, no in-between. Although he can only love a pure woman, he will only enjoy sex with a slut. While he knows he needs to marry an innocent virgin, he really wants a promiscuous hussy to rock his bed. Needless to say, this is a very difficult aspect to tackle for a man. He will always be confused between what he needs and wants, because he desires really bad women with no self-respect, but at the same time he can only love a chaste woman with high morality.

Wife                             VS                         Mistress

So how does a man solve this problem? How can he ever look at his wife with desire and stop thinking of sluts? There are basically 3 solutions to this dilemma: 

1. Marry a bride for procreation, but keep a mistress for recreation, 
2. Marry a complicated woman who embodies both characteristics of purity and kinkiness, 
3. Don't marry at all, remain a bachelor for life since marriage will never satisfy him carnally. 

Let me be honest and just say that most men choose option 1 and 3. There are very few who actually go for option 3 since they are not lucky enough to find a woman who can embody both goddess and succubus traits.

I do not need to tell you this can be an unfaithful aspect in a natal chart. Some extramarital affairs are caused by this Venus-Moon affliction in a man's chart. My advice to women is to be careful and think twice before considering such men for long-term relationships or marriage unless they are content being reduced to either Madonna or Whore. The man himself often does not realize the impossible expectations that he has about the opposite sex, making him inherently sexist.

Sunday 31 January 2016

Pluto in 10th House: Power Overwhelming

Angels fell from heaven due to ambition

Pluto in 10th is a person with extreme ups and downs in life. He has an overwhelming desire and hunger for success in the world. This unquenchable thirst for power will lead to his first downfall. Let me explain this concept further. Pluto in 10th NEEDS to fall hard and fail. He needs to die a "death" in his career and gets his ego totally crushed by society before being reborn.

I have seen people with this natal position getting totally destroyed in their first job. They don't just fall, they totally hit rock bottom. One guy I know went to rehab for alcohol addiction while another guy I know was fired from his job suddenly. Both were outstanding staff in their line of work. They were workaholics who put their heart and soul into their career. Yet they will need to experience a spectacular fall from grace and get their spirit broken before they can be transformed. 

Out of the ashes, rises a new bird

Their next career tend to be wildly successful. They will rise to great heights and leave their mark on the world. Tongues will be set wagging about their success. People are always talking about the rise and fall of their reputation. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, they experience dramatic successes and failures in life.

Professions suitable for this placement are doctor, midwife, detective, researcher, sex therapist, mafia boss, banker, tax collector, property developer and financial investor. Generally, any career that requires one to deal with other people's money and resources is good. Pluto has a gift for taking care of other people's belongings. They are also gifted with healing abilities. 

The Plutonian parent at home

Pluto in 10th often indicates that one of the parents (the father for men, mother for women), is very strong-willed and dominant over the child. The parent will rule over the native's life and dictate the child's direction in career. Some Plutonian parents live their life through the child, treating the kid as an extension of their identities. The child needs to get his ego totally destroyed by this parent in order to find his own way in the world. He needs to get reborn and transformed in his relationship with the parent. Only then, success in life will follow.

Neptune in 10th House: Lost and Clueless

Neptune in 10th shows a person who is confused, confused.... He doesn't know what he wants in his life. When it comes to his career, he seems to be drifting, drifting... in a sea of uncertainty. This person may end up doing a job which is very much lower than his qualifications. For instance, that girl may end up working as a waitress although she has a PhD in medicine. Neptune changes his mind and switches jobs. He tends to "go with the flow" and does not have a strong sense of identity (or expectation) when it comes to career. Impressionable and gullible, this is a person who can easily adapt to his work environment, no matter how challenging it is. This makes him a chameleon of sorts. 
Nevertheless, there ARE positive points with this position. Firstly, this person has a kind and big-hearted nature. This makes charity, religious and community service very ideal for Neptunians. Any job that requires sacrifice on his part, yet does not give much profit or material return is best suited for him. Neptune in Midheaven is called to serve mankind without expecting payment. Secondly, his soft and gentle ways at work will attract lots of goodwill (and pity) from colleagues. People will not want to harm him, because he is so...unambitious. He has no desire to succeed or get promoted. He appears totally cute and harmless.

The ultimate glam girl, Neptune

Lastly, this person can be sexually attractive and desirable to his co-workers (or boss). This is because Neptune is clever in "projecting" fantasies of others unto themselves. They are good in misleading others into thinking exactly what they want. Therefore, Neptunians can be so irresistible and alluring to others in their line of work. Being sexy can be good for showbiz.  

Saturday 30 January 2016

Uranus in 10th House: The Mad Scientist

The mad scientist at work

Uranus in 10th House is an original thinker. He loves innovation and high-tech gadgets. This rare species of a worker will always come up with fresh, new ideas in his field of work. He does not like traditional jobs, but can be counted on to innovate ideas in order to improve on the old way of doing things. His ability to think out of the box can sometimes irritate his less creative co-workers or boss, which is why he is better off being his own boss and working alone. He can't stand people checking on him while working, so he needs "space" to do his work, and "alone time" to think things over. The "eureka" moment when he comes up with new ideas is very true for this type of person. 

Professions that are perfect for him include research scientist, techie, internet whiz, hacker, startup genius, programmer, software engineer, gadget geek, entrepreneur, cyber athlete, etc. Any career that requires him working with cutting-edge technology will allow him to thrive. In fact, I know a guy born with this placement who works as a scientist and builds his own PC from spare parts :) There is a drawback to this position, though. Uranus is an unstable and erratic planet. The individual is restless and will desire to change jobs every now and then. There will be at least ONE critical moment in his life where he decides to switch career path out of the blue.      

Friday 29 January 2016

Jupiter in 10th House: Favours Granted

The genie in a bottle follows you to work

Jupiter in 10th is truly lucky. Someone upstairs really likes you. Literally. Usually they are well-liked by their superior in the workplace, and hence in a position to have favours granted. Although the blue-eyed boy of the boss, they are also hardworking and positive-minded about their job. Naturally, they can rise to great heights in their career. They can expect a bit of luck in their career path. Sometimes, the luck comes unexpectedly. A Hollywood producer could spot a pretty lady walking on the streets and sudden fame and wealth would befall her. Which is why Jupiter in 10th is sometimes called the star of fame. It is where celebrity or superstars are made.

You shall not pass

Professions favoured by Jupiter includes teacher, college professor, priest, lawyer, activist, or politician. I can't even tell you the number of university lecturers I've met with this placement. They are everywhere. Jupiter rules higher education. In ancient times, Jupiterian career was associated with priesthood or philosophy. Like Aristotle or Confucius, the Jupiterian figure was a wise teacher who imparted wisdom and knowledge of the Law to others. They tend to do well in service of mankind. Hence politics and human rights activism is another field he excels in. 

He will travel widely, going to places abroad and other foreign lands. Jupiterians are all well-traveled by nature. A love of learning and foreign cultures is deeply ingrained in that person.  

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Mars in 10th House: This is Sparta!!

Dealing with people at work

Mars in 10th indicates the individual experiences his career as a battlefield. He has to deal with quarrels, competitions and rivalry at workplace, even from his boss or higher ups. Oftentimes he will encounter extreme politics at his workplace. He will have fiery confrontations with his immediate superior. Colleagues view him as a rival. His attitude is viewed as challenging authority by nature, and his competency at work is regarded with jealousy. People will always try to compare themselves with him. He might be a victim of political sabotaging and backstabbing from colleagues. 

The environment of his work is energetic and fast-phased. Constant action is required. He sometimes feel like he needs to navigate through landmines at his workplace. The type of profession which suits him are the adrenaline-boosting ones such as sports, military, athletics, gaming, entrepreneurship, administration, and jobs requiring technical skills like engineering. Mars is also quite blunt and forthright at work. This increases the chances of them accidentally offending others. They are not usually cunning. What you see is what you get.

Mars in 10th is fine with any job as long as it is competitive and fast-paced. He needs to have the incentive of winning in order to keep him motivated in the job. Do not get a passive desk job with this one. This position often indicates leadership abilities of some sort, and the ability to overcome challenges. 

Thursday 14 January 2016

Venus in 10th House: The Geisha

Individuals with Venus in 10th has a geisha-like attitude towards career. They need a job that allows them to express artistic creativity. They want to be seen as "artistic" and "creative" in their work. They want to convey a sense of beauty to the world. They need to win public approval for being avant-garde. They want to produce art. These folks flaunt their artistic flare to win praises and approval. Yes, they need to be recognized as "creative" and will do anything to be acknowledged as artistic geniuses. They have a reputation for being charming towards colleagues, and enjoy a good rapport with co-workers. Like a courtesan, they are diplomatic and socially pleasing at work.

This is actually the least romantic position for Venus. Love is not very important for individuals with Venus in Midheaven. They may treat love as something quite nonchalant, formal and matter-of-fact. They can have a "business-like" attitude towards romance. The effect is almost similar to Venus in Capricorn. It indicates career is the love of the life, and this person will be married to his career. Hence, relationships are less important than career. Although Venus being in the 10th will guarantee some form of popularity among co-workers, it is also a very materialistic position. This is something most books never mention. The individual will be sexually attracted to his colleagues, and may choose to marry his boss / superior / higher up / someone richer / older / more successful, etc, etc.    

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Sun in 10th House: King of the Hill

 I am boss...hear me roar!~

The Sun in 10th house shows an individual who is King of the Hill, Lord of the Jungle at his workplace. He needs to outshine every single soul in his office and win every single medal that needs to be won. In short, he wears the pants at work. He calls the shots, he's the guy in charge. As the Alpha Male in the office, he makes sure that he is so damn good in his job that nobody can work half as well as him. Does he take orders from the boss? Yes, but he will also advise the boss and find a way to be the boss one day. He is ultimately more suited to be the boss in future, and has all the chops to do so. 

In truth, the Sun symbolizes our ego. In the 10th house, it merely shows that your ego lies with your career and reputation. Thus achieving career goals and gaining public recognition become a lifelong obsession, as they view career as the means to validate their identity and sense of worth. Such people gets an "ego boost" from achievements at work. Yes, everybody needs to feel appreciated at work, but more so for the Sun in 10th person. Work is their pride and joy. Such individuals put all their energy into career. And if they cannot be successful at work, they would rather die than to endure being "average" in their job. 

Office is where the heart is

For the Sun in 10th person, there is no place It is their harbour, their sanctuary from the world. The workplace is the affirmation of their identity. Nothing beats a good ol' cup of coffee while sitting in that warm, swiveling chair in front of the PC whole day long. Such a person, however, tends to do very well in administrative and government managerial positions. They have warm and cordial relationships with the government and seems to be a natural with bureaucracy. The Sun, if not afflicted with malefic planets like Mars or Pluto, can actually be a moral person, who displays integrity in leadership. If the Sun, however, is afflicted with Mars or Pluto in the Midheaven, it can show the tendency to "cut corners" in a much more ruthless manner. A debilitated Sun in 10th, meanwhile, can show just the exact opposite - a meek and timid person who has low self-esteem.

Monday 4 January 2016

The 10th House: Unlock Your Potential

House number 10 (also known as the Midheaven) is the highest point of your natal chart, and represents the unleashed potential of an individual. Being the loftiest and most elevated point in your chart, it reveals the ability of the person to achieve ultimate success in his career. The 10th House shows among others, your career, vocation, public reputation and achievements in life. What type of career would suit your best? Would you achieve a high status in society? How would the world remember you? These are the questions that can only be answered by the 10th House. 

A career should not be confused with a job. Unlike a 9-5 day job, the 10th House shows your true talent and accomplishments. For eg, a chemical engineer by profession may be very good in cooking and dreams of becoming a chef. He ultimately quits his job to open up a sushi restaurant. Thus we see how your job may not necessarily become your career in the end. Your career contributes to how the society and world would remember you. Hence, the 10th is also called the house of reputation. Having a well-aspected Midheaven is certainly an advantage.

The Midheaven is ruled by Saturn. the planet of business and hard work. Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn, the mountain goat, and so the 10th house is all serious business. Now you understand why Capricorns are so disciplined and hardworking. The motto of Capricorn is "No pain, no gain" as the mountain goat slowly climbs to higher peaks with patience. It goes without saying that Capricorns are intensely ambitious and they can join the rat race, stay in the rat race, persevere till the end and win the rat race. Their stamina is amazing, as they are often rewarded with authority and wealth. 

The 10th house also corresponds to father figures and male authority figures. In a man's chart, it usually describes his mother, while in a woman's chart, it describes her father. Either way round, it shows the characteristics of the parent with greater authority in the child's life. In love astrology, a woman is usually sexually attracted to the type of man that expresses the attributes of her Midheaven (father figure), as she aspires towards a husband or mate that can fit the shoes of the male authority figure in her life. This sexual attraction is not limited to only women. From my experience, I have also observed many men being attracted to the female partner that fulfills (either partially or fully) the criteria of his Midheaven. As the 10th house is linked to ambition, I assume this attraction is based on feelings of admiration and respect for the qualities expressed by the potential partner that fits the career goals of the individual.