Friday 22 May 2015

Mars & Pluto in 7th - Violence in Marriage

"I will scratch your face!!"

Mars is a planet that you definitely do NOT want sitting in your 7th House. Known as a malefic planet in traditional astrology, Mars is a fiery, angry planet that radiates masculine energy. It is probably the most macho planet in the entire universe since Mars is named after the Roman God of War. Now you do not want the God of War sitting in your marriage house, trust me. Unless, of course, you like to fight. And you love arguments. And angry sex. That type of sex can be quite stimulating, after an entire day spent yelling at each other. Husbands can fully expect to dodge frying pans with this one. Wives can fully expect a very physical marriage. Couples will enjoy an energetic married life with passionate, rough sex, however, the drawback is the possibility of violence when taken to the extreme. 

In a Mars-dominated relationship, the couple will view each other as rivals or competitors. Marriage becomes a competition of egos to determine who wins or lose. They will try to outdo each other. Unfortunately, such a rivalry between spouses rarely ends on a good note. There will always be a bitter taste left in the mouth after the storm subsides. Couples make love and wage war with the same ferocity and vigour. One way to save a Mars marriage is to release the energy through sports. Couples who enjoy athletic and physically-demanding activities like hitchhiking, mountain climbing, scuba diving and bungee jumping can channel all those pent-up Mars energy into sports. Alternatively, they can try to keep a busy workaholic schedule so as to let out  their aggression via work.

It is extra bad for a woman to have Mars in 7th since it may curse her male partner to death. I have personally observed this to be true - several female clients with this have a dead husband via freak accidents.... Just be careful when Mars appears in the 7th of a lady.

Victims of the  volcano eruption

Next, we have Pluto in the 7th House. This is another malefic planet in the Descendant whose effect is to create explosive rage. That's right. Rage. This rage comes from suppressed anger over the years. Couples tend to bury their unhappiness within them and pretend to go with the flow. Their unhappiness will be not be aired out in the open, instead, couples resort to power struggles and subtle manipulation behind closed doors. They use passive-aggressive tactics to convey their dissatisfaction towards each other, while maintaining a happy facade to the external world. Nobody outside their close circles may be able to guess all those crazy things going on between those two. 

As the ruler of volcanoes, Pluto symbolizes buried rage, like lava hiding in the belly of the earth. After years of suppression, the volcano may erupt and the hot, boiling lava may annihilate entire nations. The force of eruption can be very sudden, but devastating to the marriage. Like a timebomb ticking, this marriage is bidding its time. Love and hate exists side-by-side in a Plutonian marriage, and the couple love and hate each other with equal intensity. They can rise to the highest of heavens when happy, and sink to the lowest of hell when angered.

Pluto in the 7th also denotes a domineering partner. This can be either one - the husband or wife. The bottom line is it will always be about power and dominance. The couple will try to manipulate each other into surrendering and giving up power to the other. One partner will be very bullying, and the other will be submissive yet resentful deep within. It goes without saying that a lot of this can be prevented if both partners are honest and open about their feelings to each other. Honesty is always the best policy if you have Pluto in 7th. Don't let the rage accumulate to the point when it becomes a volcanic eruption. On the other hand, a BDSM or master-slave relationship may be able to provide a healthy outlet to release all the Plutonian energy. 


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