Tuesday 5 January 2016

Sun in 10th House: King of the Hill

 I am boss...hear me roar!~

The Sun in 10th house shows an individual who is King of the Hill, Lord of the Jungle at his workplace. He needs to outshine every single soul in his office and win every single medal that needs to be won. In short, he wears the pants at work. He calls the shots, he's the guy in charge. As the Alpha Male in the office, he makes sure that he is so damn good in his job that nobody can work half as well as him. Does he take orders from the boss? Yes, but he will also advise the boss and find a way to be the boss one day. He is ultimately more suited to be the boss in future, and has all the chops to do so. 

In truth, the Sun symbolizes our ego. In the 10th house, it merely shows that your ego lies with your career and reputation. Thus achieving career goals and gaining public recognition become a lifelong obsession, as they view career as the means to validate their identity and sense of worth. Such people gets an "ego boost" from achievements at work. Yes, everybody needs to feel appreciated at work, but more so for the Sun in 10th person. Work is their pride and joy. Such individuals put all their energy into career. And if they cannot be successful at work, they would rather die than to endure being "average" in their job. 

Office is where the heart is

For the Sun in 10th person, there is no place like...office. It is their harbour, their sanctuary from the world. The workplace is the affirmation of their identity. Nothing beats a good ol' cup of coffee while sitting in that warm, swiveling chair in front of the PC whole day long. Such a person, however, tends to do very well in administrative and government managerial positions. They have warm and cordial relationships with the government and seems to be a natural with bureaucracy. The Sun, if not afflicted with malefic planets like Mars or Pluto, can actually be a moral person, who displays integrity in leadership. If the Sun, however, is afflicted with Mars or Pluto in the Midheaven, it can show the tendency to "cut corners" in a much more ruthless manner. A debilitated Sun in 10th, meanwhile, can show just the exact opposite - a meek and timid person who has low self-esteem.


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