Saturday 20 August 2016

Mars-Pluto: Ruthless Love

Mars in hard aspect to Pluto is arguably the most hardcore of all when it comes to intimacy. They have a raw, animalistic drive towards coitus. They tend to overwhelm their partners and completely drain them in bed. Beware of getting involved with one unless you know your body can keep out with their level of energy. You ain't hardcore until you have experienced a Mars-Pluto. They are very, very demanding behind closed doors. Their attitude towards sex is also quite scary  - they need to experience it in all its extremities - plunging to the deepest level of hell with pain and rising to the highest level of heaven with ecstasy. Sex is their drug, their obsession, their catharsis.

However, these people are very secretive. They tend to do things quietly, pulling the strings behind the scene so that everything falls into place in such a subtle way that you'll never even suspect they are controlling everything. In fact, they are so private about their intimate world that you'll never know anything about them unless they tell you. They have an innate need for control. They do things a quiet, subtle way. These are traits acquired from childhood, as most of them grow up facing extreme situations - violent or abusive circumstances - and as such, they are well-equipped to deal with a lot of bullshit and adversity in life. In times of hardship, they rise to the occasion where others might fall.  

They are also capable of being quite ruthless when the situation needs it. Most books never mention this - but I observe Mars-Pluto as having outstanding leadership skills exactly because they are capable of being completely kind when necessary, and totally cruel when required. A good leader needs to be extremely compassionate and protective towards the weak, and absolutely merciless towards their enemies. In this sense, the Mars-Pluto excels in this area unlike other signs. People also tend to be instantly pulled towards their charisma or feel instant repulsion / disgust towards them. You will either love or hate them, no in between.


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