Wednesday 3 August 2016

Mars-Uranus: Need for Speed

                                                     What every Mars-Uranus man wants

Mars in negative aspect to Uranus is an adrenaline junkie. It creates a need for crude sexual excitement. The libido is experienced like a surge of electricity - temporary blasts of erotic high which is very powerful then followed by a complete lack of desire. This aspect is most often seen in speed racers, extreme sports athletes and gym rats. Put simply, these guys have a need for speed. They need to experience the thrill of the chase, the high the adrenaline gives them every once in a while.

                                                              High risk, high adrenaline

This need for crude thrills and excitement may lead them into having casual hook-ups and one night stands with women. They like fast cars, fast women. Mars-Uranus folks is the "anything goes" type at the "right time and right place." They really know how to have fun. These are the people you want to invite to parties. However, due to the very temporal nature of feelings for these men, they get bored real fast with the same thing and move on to something fresher and more challenging. They can't stand dull monotonous routine.

                                                    Sadly, they do not all have great bodies      

On the positive side, Mars-Uranus increases manliness and boosts a guy's macho image. He will be confident, outgoing, decisive and has good leadership skills. Most textbooks observe that the Mars-Uranus men are gifted with precise technical skills that makes them great engineers - electronic engineers, mechanical engineers, software engineers, mechanics, architects, etc. His temper will also be lightning fast and violent, but subsides as quickly as his libido. 

Would I recommend this partner to anyone? The answer is "yes" if you're an outgoing sassy girl who knows how to rock the gym but the answer is "no" if you're the stay-at-home wifey type of girl who expects things to remain stable. Ultimately, there will be a right partner for every soul in this lifetime. The key is to have faith and continue searching for the one destined for you.


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