Sunday 31 August 2014

Sex According to Aquarius

(January 21 - February 18)

Ruler: Uranus & Saturn

Element: Air

Character: Intelligent, Radical, Rebellious, Eccentric, Unpredictable, Individualistic.

Energy: Medium

Libido: Medium  

Sex style: Aquarius is a weird and freaky sign. They rule the Internet and pornography. Any visual depictions of sex in the virtual realm belongs to Aquarian territory. Since the Internet is a realm where everything is possible, and anything goes, their brains are very perverted. They are intelligent folks with no limits in imagination. They are the Kings of mental masturbation. The mind is a devil’s workshop. Aquarians get turned on by ideas. When it comes to sexy time, Aquarians can be the most kinky sign in the world since they are detached from the physical act itself, being cold and objective even in the throes of passion. Their detachment from their body allows them to experiment with sex and push the boundaries beyond social rules and norms. Radical and rebellious, the Aquarian may hold some very shocking ideas about love and sex. They may insist on free love and cannot stand jealousy of any kind. 

Sexual fantasy: Internet sex, Pornography, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism.

Romance: Aquarians are prone towards friendzoning and being friendzoned in return. They are never short of friends of the opposite sex. And they enjoy keeping lots of groupies / admirers as “friends.” These are folks most likely to keep a Twitter account and post selfies to Instagram in order to be “liked” and “followed” by their friends cum fans. They share the same weaknesses as Leo, their cousins. Deep down, the Aquarian wishes to be admired by others. Friendship will slowly replace love and sex. However, Aquarius has difficulty forming close emotional bonds with anyone. As a rule, they are too independent and prefer to remain a distance from their beloved. Long-distance relationships and coveting another man’s girlfriend, is something Mr. Aquarius likes to do. Aquarius dreams of unattainable romance.  They want what they cannot have. In fact, the more unattainable the love is, the more attractive it is. That is why Aquarius rules the crazy Internet. They are as guilty as Libra in dreaming of an ideal, perfect romance which will never come true.  

Marriage: They are not at home. And they won’t be at home. Aquarians need their own space and freedom to do their own thingy.  Once a while, they may drop by the house to visit the family. They don’t like to be “suffocated” so physical distance is a must. Too much intimacy can be unbearable. They also like to tell others what to do. So you better listen, listen, and listen…. Generally, Aquarians make brilliant spouses who dance to their own tune. They have a rich social life outside the house. As parents, they are interested in educating their children’s mind. Aquarius is actively involved in charity, community work, clubs and societies (including the church) which may replace family.


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