Saturday 19 July 2014

What is Astrology?

Astrology is a mystical art that is inherited from the ancients. Despite being misperceived by modern society as a "superstition", astrology is actually more complex and rigorous than an irrational belief in the stars. Combining Freudian psychoanalysis and Jungian archetypes, astrology is more accurately described as "knowledge of the self" that includes "the other." Personally, I consider it a branch of psychology that studies self-identity and group-identity which often reveals the intrinsic motivation behind people. I used it as a tool to gain insights into my own character (and others) for the purpose of self-improvement.

Astrology then, can be said to unveil deeper truths. Its ultimate aim is to strip people naked. It is brutally honest in its analysis of human nature. It is relentless and unapologetic in its unmasking of society. Perhaps this is the most fearful aspect of all. Humans may adapt to the environment and learn to change according to situations, but astrology examined people as new-born babies, using their natal chart to study their character. We are not a piece of blank paper ("tabula rasa"). Astrology says we are born with certain potentials and a set of tendencies, be it positive or negative. We are put under the microscope. Under the lens, every detail is shown; your strengths, your flaws, your secrets, your aspirations, etc. There is a naked vulnerability to it all.
                                                 The self confronting the other

Identity can be seen as a projection of mirror images. A person projects their self to the world, and reacts by receiving reflected images from the rest of society. This is how identity is negotiated each time we encounters another human being. Our concept of "self" is actually constructed from bits and pieces of floating images. Who is the other? The other is the enemy, your opposite, your reflected mirror image on another person. He or she represents everything you are not, and you believe you two cannot co-exist. Astrology reveals that we have a Shadow self, an evil twin that lives within us. This is the ugly part of us that has been totally rejected and disowned by our current self. We fooled ourselves into thinking that our evil twin does not exist, but in times of crisis, this ugly side tends to emerge to wreck havoc on surprised friends and relatives. We are often unconscious of the other, letting it hibernate inside us because we want to be good people. In order to be "good" according to society's standards, we deny the existence of the evil twin. The other continues to haunt us, fascinate us.

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                                                      The layout of a natal wheel

Astrology argues there are two sides co-existing in a person - the projected self (1st House) and reflected self (7th House). Aries rules the 1st House of personality and appearance, and Libra rules the 7th House of marriage and partnership. These two Houses are said to control face-to-face human interactions in our daily life. Self-identity and social identity then are forged from the push-and-pull dynamics between the 1st and 7th House, with Aries projecting and Libra receiving images. Lots of people assume both of these zodiacs to be opposite of each other, but that is in fact, untrue. If you've been following the mirror analogy, you'll understand that Aries and Libra are actually the same sign, only the flip side of the same coin. They are Shadows of each other. Although Aries symbolizes the masculine, active, physical, and assertive, he is only the rejected aspect of Libra, which denotes the feminine, passive, intellectual, and diplomatic. Arguably, there are only six zodiac signs in the whole universe, with their Shadow counterparts. The six signs are:

Astrological Opposites and Shadows
What does this mean? A Leo is, in fact, more similar to an Aquarius than different. Based on my observation, an Aquarius is capable of behaving just as narcissistically as a Leo when expecting an audience. Both are suckers for the limelight and can be quite the diva. Sometimes, I find it hard to tell a Gemini from a Sagittarius because they are both so chatty and energetic. I have met countless Scorpio ladies who behaved exactly like a Taurus when angered. Nevertheless, do not judge a person by his Sun sign alone, as other factors must be considered when studying a natal chart. One final note: sexual chemistry is sizzling hot between the opposite signs.


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